
SPMF offers implementations of the following data mining algorithms.

Sequential Pattern Mining

These algorithms discover sequential patterns in a set of sequences. For a good overview of sequential pattern mining algorithms, please read this survey paper.

Sequential Rule Mining

These algorithms discover sequential rules in a set of sequences.

Sequence Prediction

These algorithms for predicting the next symbol of a sequence based on a set of training sequences

Itemset Mining

These algorithms discover interesting itemsets (sets of values) that appear in a transaction database (database records containing symbolic data). For a good overview of itemset mining, please read this survey paper.

  • algorithms for discovering frequent itemsets in a transaction database.
  • algorithms for discovering frequent closed itemsets in a transaction database.
  • algorithms for recovering all frequent itemsets from frequent closed itemsets:
    • the LevelWise algorithm (Pasquier et al., 1999) 
    • the DFI-Growth algorithm (Huang et al., 2019) 
    • the DFI-List algorithm (Wu et al., 2020)
  • algorithms for discovering frequent maximal itemsets in a transaction database.
    • the FPMax algorithm (Grahne and Zhu, 2003)
    • the Charm-MFI algorithm for discovering frequent closed itemsets and maximal frequent itemsets by post-processing in a transaction database (Szathmary et al. 2006)
  • algorithms for mining frequent itemsets with multiple minimum supports
  • algorithms for mining generator itemsets in a transaction database
    • the DefMe algorithm for mining frequent generator itemsets in a transaction database (Soulet & Rioult, 2014)
    • the Pascal algorithm for mining frequent itemsets, and identifying at the same time which one are generators (Bastide et al., 2002)
    • the Zart algorithm for discovering frequent closed itemsets and their generators in a transaction database (Szathmary et al. 2007)
  • algorithms for mining rare itemsets and/or correlated itemsets in a transaction database
    • the AprioriInverse algorithm for mining perfectly rare itemsets (Koh & Roundtree, 2005) CPT
    • the AprioriRare algorithm for mining minimal rare itemsets and frequent itemsets (Szathmary et al. 2007b) CPT
    • the CORI algorithm for mining minimal rare correlated itemsets using the support and bond measures (Bouasker et al. 2015) CPT
    • the RP-Growth algorithm for mining rare itemsets (Tsang et al., 2011) new
  • algorithms for performing targeted and dynamic queries about association rules and frequent itemsets.
    • the Itemset-Tree, a data structure that can be updated incrementally, and algorithms for querying it. (Kubat et al, 2003)
    • the Memory-Efficient Itemset-Tree, a data structure that can be updated incrementally, and algorithms for querying it. (Fournier-Viger, 2013, powerpoint)
  • algorithms to discover frequent itemsets in a stream
    • the estDec algorithm for mining recent frequent itemsets in a data stream (Chang & Lee, 2003)
    • the estDec+ algorithm for mining recent frequent itemsets in a data stream (Shin et al., 2014)
    • the CloStream algorithm for mining frequent closed itemsets in a data stream (Yen et al, 2009)
  • the U-Apriori algorithm for mining frequent itemsets in uncertain data (Chui et al, 2007)
  • the VME algorithm for mining erasable itemsets (Deng & Xu, 2010)
  • algorithms to discover fuzzy frequent itemsets in a quantitative transaction database
  • the OPUS-Miner algorithm for mining self-sufficient itemsets (Webb et al., 2014)
  • algorithms to discover compressing itemsets
    • the KRIMP algorithm (Vreeken et al, 2011) new
    • the SLIM algorithm (Smets et al., 2012) new
  • algorithms to discover the top-k most frequent itemsets
    • the Apriori(top-k) algorithm, which is a modified version of Apriori new
    • the FPGrowth(top-k) algorithm, which is a modified version of FP-Growth new

Episode Mining

These algorithms discover patterns (episodes) that appear in a single sequence of events. For a good overview of episode mining, please read this survey paper.

  • algorithms for mining frequent episodes
    • the EMMA algorithm, which finds the frequent episodes, and counts the support based on the head frequency (Kuo-Yu et al., 2008
    • the AFEM algorithm, which finds the frequent episodes, and counts the support based on the head frequency (Fournier-Viger et al., 2022 new
    • the MINEPI+ algorithm, which finds the frequent episodes, and counts the support based on the head frequency (Kuo-Yu et al., 2008
    • the MINEPI algorithm, which finds the frequent episodes, counts the support based on minimal occurrences, and does not allow simultaneous events (Mannila & Toivonen, 1997
    • the TKE algorithm, which finds the top-k most frequent episodes based on the head frequency (Fournier-Viger et al., 2020) new
    • the MaxFEM algorithm, which finds the maximal frequent episodes, and counts the support based on the head frequency (Fournier-Viger et al., 2022 , powerpoint)  new
  • algorithms for mining episode rules
  • algorithms for mining high utility episodes in a sequence of complex events (a transaction database) with utility information
    • the HUE-SPAN algorithm (Fournier-Viger et al., 2019, powerpoint) for mining high utility episodes in a sequence of complex events (a transaction database) with utility information new
    • the US-SPAN algorithm (Wu et al., 2013 ) for mining high utility episodes in a sequence of complex events (a transaction database) with utility information
    • the TUP algorithm (Rathore et al., 2016) for mining the top-k high utility episodes in a sequence of complex events (a transaction database) with utility information
  • algorithms for mining nonoverlapping sequential patterns in one or many sequences of symbols
  • algorithms for mining frequent sequential patterns with periodic wilcard gaps in a sequence of characters
    • the MAPD algorithm (Wu, Y. et al., 2014) new
  • algorithms for mining self-adaptive one-off weak-gap strong sequential patterns in a sequence of characters
    • the OWSP-Miner algorithm (Wu, Y. et al., 2022)new

Periodic Pattern Mining

These algorithms discover patterns that periodically appear in a sequence of records (e.g. transactions)

  • Algorithms for finding periodic patterns in a single sequence of events (also called a transaction database)
  • Algorithms for mining stable periodic itemsets in a sequence of events (also called a transaction database) with or without timestamps
  • Algorithms for mining locally periodic patterns in a transaction database with or without timestamps.
  • Algorithms for discovering periodic patterns that are significant or non-redundant
    • the NPFPM algorithm to discover non-redundant periodic frequent itemsets in a transaction database (Afriyie et al., 2020, 2021) new
    • the PPFP algorithm to discover productive periodic frequent itemsets in a transaction database (Nofong, V. M., 2016) new
    • the SRPFPM algorithm to discover self-reliant periodic frequent patterns in a transaction database (Nofong et al, 2021) new
  • Algorithms for mining periodic high utility itemsets in a sequenceof transactions (a transaction database) containing utility information
    • the PHM algorithm (Fournier-Viger et al, 2016b, powerpoint video)
    • the PHMN algorithm (2023) for mining periodic high utility itemsets with positive or negative utilitynew
    • the PHMN+ algorithm (2023) for mining periodic high utility itemsets with positive or negative utilitynew
    • the PHM_irregular algorithm for mining irregular high utility itemsets (the opposite of periodic), which is a simple variation of the PHM algorithm
  • Algorithms for finding periodic patterns in multiple sequences of events
  • Algorithms for mining rare correlated periodic patterns common to multiple sequences

Graph Pattern Mining new

These algorithms discover patterns in graphs

High-Utility Pattern Mining

These algorithms discover patterns having a high utility (importance) in different kinds of data. For a good overview of high utility itemset mining, you may read this survey paper, and the high utility-pattern mining book.

  • algorithms for mining high-utility itemsets in a transaction database having profit information
  • algorithm for efficiently mining high-utility itemsets with length constraints in a transaction database
  • algorithm for mining correlated high-utility itemsets in a transaction database
  • algorithm for mining high-utility itemsets in a transaction database containing negative unit profit values
  • algorithms for mining multi-level or cross-level high utility itemsets in a transaction database with a taxonomy:
    • CLH-Miner for discovering cross-level high-utility itemsets (Fournier-Viger et al., 2020, ppt) new
    • FEACP for discovering cross-level high-utility itemsets (Tung et al., 2022) new
    • TKC for discovering the top-k cross-level high-utility itemsets (Nouioua et al., 2020, video, ppt) new-- will be in a next release of SPMF...
    • MLHUI-Miner for discovering the multi-level high utility itemsets (Cagliero et al., 2017)
  • algorithm for mining low-cost high utility itemsets in a transaction database with cost and utility information
  • algorithm for mining frequent high-utility itemsets in a transaction database
  • algorithm for mining on-shelf high-utility itemsets in a transaction database containing information about time periods of items
  • algorithm for incremental high-utility itemset mining in a transaction database
  • algorithm for incremental closed high-utility itemset mining in a transaction database
    • the IncCHUI algorithm for incrementally discovering the closed high utility itemsets (Dam et al., 2018, code obtained from github based on GPL license)
  • algorithm for mining concise representations of high-utility  itemsets in a transaction database
  • algorithm for mining the skyline high-utility itemsets in a transaction database
    • the SkyMine algorithm (Goyal et al., 2015)
    • the SFUI_UF algorithm for mining skyline frequent high utility itemsets (Song et al., 2021 ) new
    • the SFU_CE algorithm for mining skyline frequent high utility itemsets (Song et al., 2021 , ppt) new
    • the SFUPMinerUemax algorithm for mining skyline frequent high utility itemsets (Lin et al, 2016)
    • the EMSFUI_D algorithm for mining skyline frequent high utility itemsets (Liu et al., 2022) new
    • the EMSFUI_B algorithm for mining skyline frequent high utility itemsets (Liu et al., 2022) new
  • algorithm for mining the top-k high-utility itemsets in a transaction database
  • algorithms for mining the top-k high utility itemsets from a data stream with a window
  • algorithm for mining quantitative high utility itemsets in a transaction database:
  • algorithm for mining high-utility sequential rules in a sequence database 
  • algorithm for mining high-utility sequential patterns in a sequence database 
    • the USPAN algorithm (Yin et al. 2012)
  • algorithm for mining cost-efficient sequential patterns (a.k.a. low-cost high utility sequential patterns)
    • the CorCEPB algorithm for mining cost-efficient patterns in sequences with binary utility information and cost values (Fournier-Viger et al., 2020 , ppt, video video) new
    • the CEPB algorithm for mining cost-efficient patterns in sequences with binary utility information and cost values - consider only sequence with positive utility(Fournier-Viger et al., 2020 , ppt) new
    • the CEPN algorithm for mining cost-efficient patterns in sequences with numeric utility information and cost values (Fournier-Viger et al., 2020, ppt, video video) new
  • algorithm for mining high-utility probability sequential patterns in a sequence database 
  • algorithm for heuristically mining the top-k high-utility itemsets in a transaction database
  • algorithm for mining high-utility itemsets in a transaction database using evolutionary algorithms, swarm intelligence techniques or other meta-heuristics
  • algorithm for mining high average-utility itemsets in a transaction database
    • the HAUI-Miner algorithm for mining high average-utility itemsets (Lin et al, 2016)
    • the EHAUPM algorithm for mining high average-utility itemsets (Lin et al, 2017)
    • the HAUIM-GMU algorithm for mining high average-utility itemsets (Song et al., 2021 ) new
    • the HAUI-MMAU algorithm for mining high average-utility itemsets with multiple thresholds (Lin et al, 2016)
    • the MEMU algorithm for mining high average-utility itemsets with multiple thresholds (Lin et al, 2018)
  • algorithms for mining the top-k high average utility itemsets
    • the ETAUIM algorithm (2023) for mining the top-k high average utility itemset using a breadth-first search (obtained from github liuxuan615 under the GPL license due to containing GPL code) new
  • algorithms for mining high utility episodes in a sequence of complex events (a transaction database)
    • the HUE-SPAN algorithm (Fournier-Viger et al., 2019, powerpoint) for mining high utility episodes in a sequence of complex events (a transaction database) with utility information new
    • the TUP algorithm (Rathore et al., 2016) for mining top-k high utility episodes in a sequence of transactions (a transaction database))
    • the UP-SPAN algorithm (Wu et al., 2013 ) for mining high-utility episodes(patterns that yield a high profit) in a sequence of transactions (a transaction database) containing utility information
  • algorithms for mining periodic high-utility patterns (periodic patterns that yield a high profit) in a sequence of transactions (a transaction database) containing utility information
    • the PHM algorithm (Fournier-Viger et al, 2016b, powerpoint)
    • the PHMN and PHMN+ algorithms (2023) for mining periodic high utility itemsets with positive or negative utility ( obtained from Github @laughing1999 under the GPL license)
  • algorithms for discovering irregular high utility itemsets (non periodic patterns) in a transaction database with utility information
    • the PHM_irregular algorithm, which is a simple variation of the PHM algorithm new
  • algorithm for discovering local high utility itemsets in a database with utility information and timestamps
  • algorithm for discovering peak high utility itemsets in a database with utility information and timestamps
  • algorithm for discovering locally trending high utility itemsets in a database with utility information and timestamps
  • algorithm for discovering high utility association rules
    • the HGB_all algorithm to derive all high utility association rules or just the non redundant high utility association rules (Sahoo et al., 2015) new
    • the HGB algorithm to derive all non redundant high utility association rules (Sahoo et al., 2015) new

Association Rule Mining

These algorithms discover interesting associations between symbols (values) in a transaction database (database records with binary attributes).

  • an algorithm for mining all association rules with the confidence measure in a transaction database (Agrawal & Srikant, 1994) video
  • an algorithm for mining all association rules with the lift measure in a transaction database (adapted from Agrawal & Srikant, 1994)
  • an algorithm for mining the IGB informative and generic basis of association rules in a transaction database (Gasmi et al., 2005)
  • an algorithm for mining perfectly sporadic association rules (Koh & Roundtree, 2005)
  • an algorithm for mining closed association rules (Szathmary et al. 2006).
  • an algorithm for mining minimal non redundant association rules (Kryszkiewicz, 1998)
  • the Indirect algorithm for mining indirect association rules (Tan et al. 2000; Tan et 2006)
  • the FHSAR algorithm for hiding sensitive association rules (Weng et al. 2008)
  • the TopKRules algorithm for mining the top-k association rules (Fournier-Viger, 2012b, powerpoint)
  • the TopKClassRules algorithm for mining the top-k class association rules (a variation of TopKRules. This latter is described in Fournier-Viger, 2012b, powerpoint)
  • the TNR algorithm for mining top-k non-redundant association rules (Fournier-Viger 2012d, powerpoint)
  • the HGB and HGB_All algorithm to find high utility association rules or non redundant high utility association rules (Sahoo et al., 2015) new

Stream pattern mining

These algorithms discovers various kinds of patterns in a stream (an infinite sequence of database records (transactions))

  • the estDec algorithm for mining recent frequent itemsets in a data stream (Chang & Lee, 2003)
  • the estDec+ algorithm for mining recent frequent itemsets in a data stream (Shin et al., 2014)
  • the CloStream algorithm for mining frequent closed itemsets in a data stream (Yen et al, 2009)
  • algorithms for mining the top-k high utility itemsets from a data stream with a window


These algorithms automatically find clusters in different kinds of data

  • the original K-Means algorithm (MacQueen, 1967)
  • the Bisecting K-Means algorithm (Steinbach et al, 2000)
  • the K-Means++ algorithm (Arthur et al., 2007) new
  • algorithms for density-based clustering
    • the DBScan algorithm (Ester et al., 1996)
    • the Optics algorithm to extract a cluster ordering of points, which can then be use to generate DBScan style clusters and more (Ankerst et al, 1999)
  • a hierarchical clustering algorithm
  • a tool called Cluster Viewer for visualizing clusters
  • a tool called Instance Viewer for visualizing the input of clustering algorithms

Time series mining

These algorithms perform various tasks to analyze time series data

  • an algorithm for converting a time series to a sequence of symbols using the SAX representation of time series. Note that if one converts a set of time series with SAX, he will obtain a sequence database, which allows to then apply traditional algorihtms for sequential rule mining and sequential pattern mining on time series (SAX, 2007).
  • algorithms for calculating the prior moving average of a time series (to remove noise)
  • algorithms for calculating the cumulative moving average f a time series (to remove noise)
  • algorithms for calculating the central moving average of a time series (to remove noise)
  • an algorithm for calculating the median smoothing of a time series (to remove noise)
  • an algorithm for calculating the exponential smoothing of a time series (to remove noise) 
  • an algorithm for calculating the min max normalization of a time series 
  • an algorithm for calculating the autocorrelation function of a time series 
  • an algorithm for calculating the standardization of a time series 
  • an algorithm for calculating the first and second order differencing of a time series
  • an algorithm for calculating the piecewise aggregate approximation of a time series (to reduce the number of data points of a time series)
  • an algorithm for calculating the linear regression of a time series (using the least squares method) 
  • an algorithm for splitting a time series into segments of a given length
  • an algorithm for splitting a time series into a given number of segments
  • algorithms to cluster time series (group time-series according to their similarities). This can be done by applying the clustering algorithms offered in SPMF (K-Means, Bisecting K-Means, DBScan, OPTICS, Hierarchical clustering) on time series.
  • a tool called Time Series Viewer for visualizing time series 


  • the ID3 algorithm for building decision trees (Quinlan, 1986)
  • the KNN (K-Nearest Neighbor) algorithm
  • Classification based on association rule mining
    • the ACAC algorithm (Huang et al, 2011)
    • the ACCF algorithm (Li et al., 2008)
    • the ACN algorithm (Kundu et al., 2008)
    • the ADT algorithm (Wang et al., 2000)
    • the CBA algorithm (Liu et al., 1998)
    • the CBA2 algorithm (Liu et al., 2001)
    • the CMAR algorithm (Li et al, 2001)
    • the L3 algorithm (Baralis et al, 2002)
    • the MAC algorithm (Abdelhamid et al., 2012)
  • A framework for comparing multiple classifiers using holdout and k-fold cross-validation

Text mining

  • an algorithm for classifying text documents using a Naive Bayes classifier approach (S. Raghu, 2015)
  • an algorithm for clustering texts using the tf*idf measure (S. Raghu, 2015)

Dataset generation tools

  • A tool for generating a synthetic transaction database
  • A tool for generating a synthetic sequence database
  • A tool for generating a synthetic sequence database with timestamps
  • A tool for generating datasets for clustering

Dataset transformation tools

  • A tool for converting a sequence database to a transaction database
  • A tool for converting a transaction database to a sequence database
  • A tool for converting a text file to a sequence database (each sentences becomes a sequence)
  • A tool for converting a sequence database in various formats (CSV, KOSARAK, BMS, IBM...) to a sequence database in SPMF format
  • A tool for converting a transaction database in various formats (CSV...) to a transaction database in SPMF format
  • A tool for converting time-series to a sequence database
  • A tool to generate utility values for a transaction database
  • A tool to add timestamps to a sequence database
  • A tool to fix a transaction database having some problems (with or without utility/time information)
  • A tool for removing utility information from a database  having utility information
  • A tool to resize a database in SPMF format (a text file) using a percentage of lines of data from an original database.

Dataset statistics tools

  • A tool for calculating statistics about a transaction database
  • A tool for calculating statistics about a transaction database with utility information
  • A tool for calculating statistics about a sequence database
  • A tool for calculating statistics about a graph database
  • A tool for calculating statistics about a product transaction database. new
  • A tool for calculating statistics about a sequence database with cost and binary
  • A tool for calculating statistics about a sequence database with cost and numeric
  • A tool for calculating statistics about a sequence database with
  • A tool for calculating statistics about a time-extended sequence
  • A tool for calculating statistics about a transaction database with cost and
  • A tool for calculating statistics about a transaction database with utility and period
  • A tool for calculating statistics about a transaction database with utility and
  • A tool for calculating statistics about an event sequence. new
  • A tool for calculating statistics about an interval sequence database. new
  • A tool for calculating statistics about a multi-dimensional sequence
  • A tool for calculating statistics about a multi-dimensional sequence database with
  • A tool for calculating statistics about an uncertain transaction
  • A tool for calculating statistics about a file with double vectors (instances) for clustering.
  • A tool for calculating statistics about time series.

Dataset viewer tools

  • A times series viewer to visualize time series.
  • A cluster viewer to visualize clusters produced by clustering algorithms
  • A graph viewer to view files containing graphs or subgraphs taken as input or produced as output by algorithms such as TKG, gSpan and cgSgpan.
  • A simple tool to view the content of an ARFF file new
  • A tool to view the content of an an event sequence file new
  • A tool to view a sequence database cost binary utility file new
  • A tool to view a sequence database cost numeric utility file new
  • A tool to view a sequence database file new
  • A tool to view a time-extended sequence database new
  • A tool to view a multi-dimensional sequence database new
  • A tool to view a multi-dimensional time sequence database new
  • A tool to view a sequence utility database file new
  • A tool to view a cost utility transaction database file new
  • A tool to view a transaction database file new
  • A tool to view an uncertain transaction database file new
  • A tool to view a utility transaction database file new
  • A tool to view a utility time transaction database file new
  • A tool to view a utility period transaction database file new
  • A tool to view a product transaction database file new
  • A tool to view a graph database file
  • A tool to view a sequence database file with time intervalsnew

GUI tools

  • The Algorithm Explorer tool to explore the algorithms offered in SPMF
  • The Memory Viewer tool to observe the memory usage of algorithms in real-time new
  • The Pattern Viewer tool to view patterns found by algorithms and their frequency distributions
  • The Workflow Editor tool to create a worfklow with several algorithms and run it. new
  • A tool to run experiments where one or more algorithms are run and a parameter is varied.
  • The SPMF text editor
  • A tool to download an offline copy of the SPMF documentationnew

Data structures

  • red-black tree,
  • itemset-tree,
  • binary tree,
  • KD-tree,
  • triangular matrix.
  • a collection of optimized primitive type data structures to replace hashmaps, lists, sets, etc.

Visual map of algorithms

You can visualize the relationship between the various data mining algorithms offered in SPMF by clicking on this map (last updated : 2015/09/12 - SPMF 0.97):
